If your organization has developed a tool that can help textile and apparel companies to enhance their sustainability practices and improve efficiency and reduce waste and emissions, please contact us. We will review your tool and if approved, will post it in the list below.
Tools developed by our team members:
Textile Heating Electrification Tool. This tool was developed by Global Efficiency Intelligence, in collaboration with Patagonia, Cotopaxi, New Balance, REI, W. L. Gore & Associates, and L.L.Bean through the Outdoor Industry Association's Clean Heat CoLab. It is a downloadable Excel-based tool designed to analyze the feasibility of electric heating technologies in textile and apparel facilities. It provides actionable insights on: 1) Energy Savings and Emissions Reduction: Calculates potential energy savings and CO2 emissions reductions from replacing conventional heating technologies with electrified alternatives in a textile facility. 2) Economic Assessment: Evaluates energy costs per kilogram of fabric and estimates the levelized cost of heating (LCOH), accounting for capital, operating, energy, and carbon costs over the lifetime of technologies. It also calculates the payback period of technologies. Key features include:
Country-Specific Data: Includes default metrics for Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States, and Vietnam, covering grid emissions factors, conventional fuel prices, and industrial electricity prices. Users can also input customized data for other countries.
Scenario Analysis: Explores the impacts of rapid electricity decarbonization and renewable energy, whether generated onsite or through offsite Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).
Implementation Guidance: Provides a step-by-step action plan for transitioning to electrified heating technologies
Databases of heat pump and electric boiler manufacturers in different countries.
Energy Efficiency Assessment and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (EAGER) Tool for the Textile Industry. EAGER Textile tool allows you to evaluate the impact of selected energy efficiency measures for the textile industry by choosing the measures that you would likely introduce in your facility, or would like to evaluate for potential use. It is available in both English and Chinese.
Industrial energy audit software tools for energy use pattern analysis, economic analysis, and load demand profile analysis. These tools are attachment to the energy audit guidebook developed by our Director, Ali Hasanbeigi. They are available in both English and Chinese.
Tools developed by other organizations:
U.S. DOE Energy Assessment Tools:
MEASUR Tool: It is an integrated tool suite (MEASUR) to aid manufacturers in improving the efficiency of energy systems and equipment within a plant.
50001 Ready Navigator Tool: It is an online guide that can assist you in putting an energy management system in place.
Energy Performance Indicator LITE (EnPI LITE) Tool: It is an online regression-based calculator for modeling energy performance at the facility level.
50001 Ready Navigator: It is an online guide that can assist you in putting an energy management system in place. The Navigator has been developed by DOE to align with the structure and requirements of ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems.
Energy Footprint Tool: It can help manufacturing, commercial and institutional facilities to track their energy consumption, factors related to energy use, and significant energy end-use.
The Plant Energy Profiler Excel (PEPEx) Tool : It is an excel based software tool to help industrial plant managers identify how energy is being purchased and consumed at their plant and identify potential energy and cost savings.
Plant Water Profiler Tool—Excel, Beta Version (PWPEx v0.1): PWPEx Tool v0.1 is beta version of Plant Water Profiler Tool in Excel format. It is a comprehensive tool designed to help industrial manufacturing plant management identify and account for water procurement and consumption in manufacturing operations, recognize the true cost of water, and identify potential areas for water savings and associated water and energy cost savings.
Steam System Modeler Tool: The properties and equipment calculators in this tool allow the user to input the metrics of their system, generate a list of detailed steam specific steam properties, and test a variety of adjustments on individual equipment.
The Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST): It introduces methods to improve thermal efficiency of heating equipment. This tool helps industrial users survey process heating equipment that consumes fuel, steam, or electricity, and identifies the most energy-intensive equipment.
MotorMaster+ Tool: It is designed for industrial energy coordinators, facility managers and engineers, plant electricians and maintenance staff, procurement personnel, and utility auditors who are interested in improving the energy efficiency of motor systems at industrial facilities.
AIRMaster+ Tool: Helps users analyze energy use and savings opportunities in manufacturing compressed air systems. Use AIRMaster+ to baseline existing and model future system operations improvements, and evaluate energy and dollar savings from many energy efficiency measures.
Pump System Assessment Tool (PSAT): This tool helps manufacturers assess the efficiency of pumping system operations. PSAT uses achievable pump performance data from Hydraulic Institute standards and motor performance data from the MotorMaster+ database to calculate potential energy and associated cost savings.
Fan System Assessment Tool (FSAT): This tool helps manufacturers quantify energy use and savings opportunities in manufacturing fan systems.
U.S. EPA Tool:
Energy Tracking Tool: This tool will help you track your energy performance and meet your energy management goals easily. The tool will track your energy use, cost, and intensity, as well as greenhouse gas emissions.
GHG Accounting and Target Setting Tools:
GHG Protocol tools: These tools enable companies to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their GHG emissions, and help companies track progress toward their climate goals.
Scope 3 GHG Evaluator: The Scope 3 Evaluator is a free, web-based tool from Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Quantis that makes it easier for companies to measure, report, and reduce emissions throughout their value chain.
Science-based Target Setting Tool: This new integrated target-setting tool for companies includes the Absolute Contraction Approach and the Sectoral Decarbonization Approach with updated temperature pathways, and a sheet to calculate targets aligned with our scope 3 criteria.
Textile- and Apparel-Specific Tools:
The Higg Index: Developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, the Higg Index is a suite of tools that enables brands, retailers, and facilities of all sizes to accurately measure and score a company or product’s sustainability performance.
SET tool: It is a self-assessment tool specific for textile manufacturing processes. It's developed under Energy Made-to-Measure platform.
Energy Distribution Support Tool (EDST): It can be used where energy audit data is not available, the tool estimates energy distribution throughout the various processes and auxiliaries. It also allows constant monitoring of consumption. It's developed under Energy Made-to-Measure platform.
Energy Management and Benchmark Tool (EMBT): It compares the energy consumption data with the production data. It generates energy efficiency indices and it reports on the dynamics of consumption. It's developed under Energy Made-to-Measure platform.
Self-Assessment Tool (SAT): It is an instrument for self-evaluation which allows companies to identify the most promising Best Practices for energy saving for the company. It's developed under Energy Made-to-Measure platform.
Water Tools:
Water Calculation Tool for the Textile Wet Processing Sector: UNIDO and DNV GL developed a water footprint self-assessment tool to assist small and medium size textile enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries to evaluate their water footprint in restricted stages of a product life cycle.
Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas tool: Developed by the World Resources Institute, this tool maps and analyzes current and future water risks across locations.
Other Tools:
Reverse Resources: It is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform connects brands, traders, suppliers and fabric recyclers into a central data platform that increases the visibility of production leftovers.